Isabella Pei


This is Isabella! My favorite things to do are drawing, playing, eating and having fun with nature. That is my dream but sometimes I like to play video games such as Geometry dash lite, Triple jump, and other games by Katchapp and mostly I love having fun playing with my family! In my family, I have 5 people (including me, of course); they are my mom, funny fun dad, brave big brother, grateful grandma and me.

Moving on to know more about me is that I am a athletic person and courage to do stuff but most of all I love being happy and excited. I am a funny and fun person. For example, when I like going to beaches and amusement parks. The time I'm funny is with my friends and funny like I make funny faces and tell funny jokes. But the problems I have are some allergies to foods.


Subject: Art, Reading
Games: Geometry dash lite, Zig zag, Panda pop, and more
Sports: Lacrosse, Badmitten and Tennis
Food: Pizza, Spaghetti, Chinese, Japanese, and Italian foods.


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